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connecting locums and practices
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First of all, I hope you and your families are staying safe and in good health.
For all optical practices the past week has been unprecedented and we are expecting that as this virus evolves and as the NHS and the government’s plans intensify, there will be further disruption on a scale that we’ve never seen before across all practices in the UK and Ireland.
In turn what that means is that the teams in all these practices including those members of the team who are not employed, our locums or self-employed, they will also have disruption to their normal employment and monthly income.
For employed workers, the chancellor Rishi Sunak announced measures which would allow employers to still effectively keep their employee’s but put them on a period of furlough, which would allow them to avoid redundancies whilst we have a downturn in trading.
It fell short of reassuring the self employed locums of what measures they will be putting in place to help Britain’s self-employed professionals who are facing coronavirus ruin. It’s expected that a multibillion pound rescue package will be forthcoming for the self-employed workers and therefore specifically locum optometrists and the DO’s. That gives some hope to all the Optom’s and DO’s who locum across our practices. Once we’ve got the information we’ll be communicating it out there.
Stay safe.
Aadil Ahmad
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Regarding Locums
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Having been inundated with requests from both Locums looking for work due to the disruption as well as practices who are staying open and are looking for good Locums, we decided to create this free resource we are calling the Locumhub to connect Locums and optical practices. During this time when emergency eyecare is essential to support our NHS colleagues in the hospitals from being overwhelmed, being better at providing some spare capacity in the community will surely help our heroes on the frontline whilst supporting livelihoods for Locums as well as practices.
If you fill in the details as a practice owner or as a locum, we will aim to connect you.
This is a free service and any offer or acceptance to work is between the practice and the locum.